
Monday, August 31, 2009
at 8:38 PM

Best Friends For Life.. Allissa, Hafizah and Me
Alfian and Me
Allissa, Alfian, Me
Allissa and Alfian
Hi ppl.. having a high fever now.. Temperature almost reach 39.0 degrees.. omg.. haha.. demam tetap kluar gi Back to Yumin Primary at tamp.. haha. my head oso spinning.. did not go to school today.. gi doc.. tunggu punye lh lama.. haha.. took cab to yumin cuz my feet felt weak.. lazy to walk.. Met Hafizah, Allissa, Alfian, Azzizat and one other guy which i forgot his name.. haha.. Haziq kate je nak turun.. tak npk pun.. haha.. Then OMG.. I saw Sufiyan.. hahaha.. Sufiyan is soooo hot but he is short.. he is taller then me but shorter then zulhilmy..haha.. But hot ar.. Azzizat daa mcm mat sikit2.. alfian is trying to bea geek.. haha.. Then Met Filzah.. haha.. I cant believe Cikgu Ainon remember me.. haha.. happy sei.. she is the best malay teacher ever.. haha.. then after metting the teachers and other friends.. went to Hafizah house to rest skejap... Kucing dier punye lh cute.. haha.. hafizah nye 1st bro masuk NS.. sad.. rindu guir.. haha.. lol.. oh ya and Mariam punye lh untidy.. her hair is like all over the place cam bdk giler gitu.. she went northlight.. haha.. will be meeting 111 this friday.. i miss him lots sei.. Cant wait for senior spec cuz my dear 111 will be there harap2 same patoon ehk.. ahaa.. k gtg now.. i wanto rest now.. feeling so spinning.. haha.. nitez..



Sunday, August 30, 2009
at 8:28 PM

Yo Yo Yo ppl.. haha.. OMG.. having a fever now.. SHIT man.. but stil going to sch tomorrow.. Ni virus confirm Erra and my sis bagi.. haha.. both of them sick.. arggghhhh.. ahaha.. yea.. tomorrow teachers day celebration.. school ends at 1215 i tink.. arr.. wad the heck.. haha.. kay.. went to geylang yesterday with mom, my sis and my other two makciks.. ahha.. kecoh kepe.. haha.. i saw Jannah form 2T1.. woohh.. haha.. go geylang cuz nak cari baju raya.. haha.. wooh.. fun fun.. ahha.. My sis and i feel so draggggg.. cuz fasting.. then like no energy.. haha.. my mom and makcik.. fuyohh... punye lh energetic.. shopping mah.. tak tahu mcm mane they can hold so long.. haha.. kay today my agenda is.. SLEPPING.. haha.. having fever mah.. mkn ubat then terus ZzZzZ.. haha.. slept at 11 and woke up at 6.. haha.. cool kepe.. cam bdk pemalas gitu.. haha.. arrhh.. heck care.. haha.. will be going back to tamp.. YUMIN PRIMARY SCHOOL!!! yeah.. haha.. most of them are coming down.. WEEE.. haha.. kay.. gtg now.. will be posting tomorrow.. yea.. nitez!!!



Friday, August 28, 2009
at 10:10 PM

Yo.. ppl.. kay.. back home.. had training just now.. had so much fun.. esp when jj is around.. haha.. i dunno that jj used to be fat man.. he loose a lot of weight.. OMG.. haha.. then bohan so cute.. look at the ez-link card picture above.. thats them.. haha.. training was really tiring just now. i wan shout command also like no voice.. haah.. sakit tekak.. haha.. Desmond keep on calling me kucing man.. haha.. then he was like "Kucing, Sedia!".. haha.. Then "Kucing, dari kanan, cepat jalan!".. haha.. lol.. then when i march.. my timing was like "meow meow meow meow meow" haha.. lol. all the way to the quadrangle.. haha.. haikal and Shaz was asking to buke aft training.. woah penat ar.. haha.. sorry.. if luq tak pegi. aku tak pegi.. haha..
Kay lets talk bout yesterday.. Yesterday had the part a trainfire.. woah.. banyak org.. haha.. then Sir Faris was like there.. wooo.. hahah.. but sir nesaar tkde.. boring.. haha.. then watch and teach them how to do stripping and assemble of rifle.. some dun knw how to break the rifle.. some dun knw how to pull the charging handle.. lol.. haha.. kay aft tat.. when to ssc briefing.. same place also but at MPH.. haha.. I saw WAN..OMG.. haha.. but he went in first cuz my sch was late.. haha.. I say hi to danial.. then go tis chinese guy go cover my face with his butt.. then danial cannot see me.. haha.. Both syafiq pun ader.. from admiralty and Compassvale sec.. ahha.. and i saw Atika.. haha.. say hi to her.. haha.. i saw shauna too.. i dint get to say hi to her.. haha.. my beloved soya bean tkde.. Shahir.. sad... haha.. My frens and i called him soya bean cuz tat time we they ask him, wad u eat until u so tall.. haha.. then he eply.. Soya bean.. hhaa. lol.. then from that day onwards called him soya bean lor.. haa.. then after briefing over.. headed back to join the part a.. then took the bus to sch.. then walk home.. haha.. wooohhh.. today i swi swi get 15 out of 30 for chemistry man.. woah.. haha.. was surprised.. haha.. but still not so good.. need to wake man.. haha.. kay. i want to rest now.. goodnite ppl.. tc.. Adios Amigos..

at 10:27 AM

Hey Ppl.. Im in school now.. haha..okok.. iknow.. kay.. i nolife.. haha.. currently now wit my bffs.. we all got no life.. haha.. just kidding.. haha.. kay bye.. be posting tonight.. Adios Amigos

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
at 9:32 PM

Random Pics.. Naz, Me and Adilah

Yo yo yo people.. Sorry for not posting yesterday night.. haha.. Was very tired.. haha.. kay today class was as per normal.. Nothing Special happen.. But something BIG happen after School during ss acer.. haha.. my classmate, By the name of ZHI YUN.. has a HOLE on her uniform.. It is at the armpit there... just now when she lift up her hand.. YA ALLAH.. haha.. ONE BIG HOLE there.. i told Zul.. Zul knew it already since Chem Class.. He say he want Vomit.. then i told Daph, Edwin and the rest bout the hole thing..haha.. Im acting like a bitch.. haha.. nvm.. bitch is cool.. haha.. lol.. talking crap here.. kay.. Tomorrow got ncc.. going to accompany the part a to their trainfire.. haha.. then got senior spec briefing.. YEAH!! can see WAN!!!.. haha.. cannot wait.. Danial also going.. that big TEDDY BEAR.. ahah.. OMg.. i just pass my Geo and SS.. boarderline marks.. how lucky was i.. Maths 3 more marks to pass.. SAD.. haizz.. k i gtg now.. need do some teachers day stuff.. so troublesome.. haha kk.. NITEZ...



Tuesday, August 25, 2009
at 2:54 PM

Hey people.. Blogging now.. haha.. Im in school right now.. waiting for NCC to start at 4pm.. woo.. punye lh lama.. haha.. need to wait for the rest to finish up their acer.. haha.. Bestflens all go home already.. tkpe lh.. Zhi yun balik sorang nampak.. haha.. suke hati ko lh POMPAN!!!.. kay.. will be posting again tonight.. If im not tired and busy of course.. haha.. kay BYEBYE..

Monday, August 24, 2009
at 11:00 PM

Woo.. I enjoy my LIFE very Much.. To me.. Life is my happiness.. without it, im nothing.. So. I must appriciate my life as long as im alive in this world.. to that girl of by the name ZHI YUN.. Get a life man girl.. Its no use telling lies to get what you want in your life.. I dun lie and i get what i want.. LIfe has ups and downs.. Nobody is perfect in this world.. So open your eyes and seek for the truth.. The truth is hidden beneath the bushes of the garden in your life..Find it.. Appreciate it.. So enjoy Life.. Dont be sad or moody cuz of a problem.. All problems have a solution.. It is just the way you handle it.. LIfe IS Beautiful..
Kay.. enough of talking.. Today class was normal.. Fasting month.. haha.. Bulan Suci..Must do good deeds.. No Devil is going to stop me from doing good deeds.. Like what they say.. Kuat kan iman.. aha.. kay.. today after PE, one of my fren, _ _ _ _ _ _(Fill in the name)..hha.. her bra strap terbuka.. hahha.. ya yallah.. haha.. colour pink pe girl..haha.. then she quickly go toilet and put it back.. haha.. recess need do 300 Skipping for fit.. Pfft.. punye lh penat.. haha.. after school.. went back home, bathe then sleep.. sampai kul 5pm.. then kemas umah and do homwork..haha.. then buke puasa.. haha.. ate burger..yum yum.. haha.. then watch tv.. my kakak saudara was on tv.. woo.. at 9 at suria..she is doing some work for the community.. haha.. Pakai motor bg npk,.. haha.. kay.. got nothing else to say.. Nite ppl..



Saturday, August 22, 2009
at 11:06 PM

HeyLo people.. Weee.. today is the first day of fasting month.. Woke up at 430am to sahur.. ate rice.. tk tahu lauk ape.. haha.. but it is nice.. then went back to sleep.. haha.. woke at 11 today.. mentang2 puasa bangun lambat ar.. haha.. then bathe quickly cuz wanto watch spongebob.. haha.. after that sleep again.. haha.. cuz i got nothimg to do.. bile dh bangun, kemas umah.. ahah.. good girl kan.. haha.. kate ayu mah..then watch singapore Idol sampai buke puasa.. haha.. ate Mee Rebus.. yum yum.. I tink ZHIYUN will love it.. She loves anything called FOOD.. hahha.. then palyed com till now.. haha.. you can see that i gt no life today..haha.. i sleep like pig today.. ish ish ish.. haha.. kay..thats all for tonight.. nite ppl..
PS.. Ainun.. thx ar ko lupe bdae aku.. haha..cousin cam ni pe..haha.. kay.. tk pe lh.. haha..
To my DEAR DEAR Allissa.. Hey BestFriend.. Happy Birthday to you.. haha.. i hope you will enjoy for the rest of your day and life..haha.. aku doa untuk ko semoga ko bahagia dalam hidup ko kay.. and lulus dalam pelajaran ko..haha.. May our 9 years of friendship last for eternities.. Luv Ya!!!.. Nitez



Friday, August 21, 2009
at 8:26 PM

Wei Hong

Hey ppl.. kay i wont be posting much today cuz i am EFFIN tired cuz just now got Ncc training.. wah.. damn tired man.. haha.. i tink the sec 1 had fun today cuz the did some face painting.. like camouflage like that.. haha.. kay gtg mow.. a bit buzy.. told u a short post.. NITEZ

Jambu kan dier.. preety is she.. haha.. Adilah.. my bestfriend

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
at 10:57 PM

WOOH!!.. finally i have completed my art and karangan.. From 4 plus at avcc doing my art.. haha.. Planning to meet ShiMin, Erra and Daphne at avcc at 330.. wah.. i went out from my house like 330..Thought i was late but then no.. I was early.. There are late.. haha.. byak pukul 330..then started doin art.. wahh.. the model punye lh susah nk draw.. haha..tapi idea banyak.. haha.. then went back like bout 8+.. Daphne went home straight cuz her house is like near avcc.. Then me, Erra and ShiMin walk to compass cuz i wanto buy a hairband.. haha.. Mine is lost.. ahah.. kay today had maths and combined science paper.. Chemistry was sooo difficult.. i swear.. Maths and Physics are okay.. not bad.. ahha.. kay.. I wanto sleep now cuz im bLOODY tired.. ahha.. Nitez ppl..
This is DEDICATED to LIM ZHI YUN.. dont make yourself troubled to change lh.. Cuz i wont ever forgive you.. I dunno bout the rest.. but for me.. Dont bother to talk to me anymore.. Cuz i dont give a damn of what you are talking.. At the first place.. i dont even treat you as my bff.. my bff are only Erra,Adilah,Clara and two other girls.. So forget about me and everything else cuz i dun wan to got to do with you anymore.. get that rite.. GOODNITEZ CHOCO

She is preety is it.. haha.. NICE NICE NICE!!!
Just Kidding



Saturday, August 15, 2009
at 9:36 PM

Yeah Yeah.. I am officailly 15 Years Old today.. haha.. daa matured sikit.. haha.. Thank you Everyone for the birthday wishes and presents.. haha.. appreciated it alot.. haha.. I had a wonderful day today.. thank you.. ahha.. celebrated it with my family.. haha.. kay today everyone came to my house.. kecoh to the max.. haha.. Kakna bought for me a zinc bag.. it is meant for camping.. i can bring it to senior spec.. haha.. yeahh.. kay now my dear dear Chelsea is having a match with Hull.. haha.. Chelsea menang nye.. haha.. kk.. gtg now.. a little bit busy with something.. haha.. nitez!!!
OH MANNN... common test next week.. need to STUDY!!!!.. Puasa a few more days.. cant wait.. nak suci kn diri.. haha.. cam paham.. Oh ya.. and Sufi.. kate je nak be the 1st to wish Birthday.. ya rite.. haha.. and thx Sufi for the online "Birthday Cake".. haha.. lol..

Friday, August 14, 2009
at 10:48 PM

I look so different
No life..haha
luq and me during NCC training
During recess.. No Life
Again and again no life.. haha
Hey everyone.. I am feeling EFFIn tired now cuz just now got NCC training.. Training was great today..JJ thought that range card.. today we teach them how to march.. ahaha.. ya allah.. punye lh klakar.. i dun wan to laugh but the way i see them march is really funny.. i cannot control myself until i laugh out loud.. i knw im so sorry part A.. haha.. some of them march like robot.. some i dunno how they can march dier right leg and hand at the same time.. ahaha.. funny lh they all.. then after training.. had dinner with shah, fairul, mahadhir and hafiz at koufu.. mkn prata.. lapar lh.. ahha.. b4 training starts.. syasya and frens called me as i was walking pass them.. then they all sang me bdae song and play the guitar.. aww so sweet lh you guys.. haha.. i appreciated it alot.. haha..thank you soo much.. haha.. asyran and syazwani wish me happy birthday to jus now.. haha.. thx you guys.. haha.. padahal bade esk sei.. haha.. class was great today.. something BIG happen.. dun wan say here..memalu kn.. haha.. you should knw yourself if you are reading this.. I know you understand malay k.. so dun pretend.. .. kk..only few mins more.. haha.. kay.. gtg now.. ngantok gile to the max.. ahha.. niteZ!!!



Thursday, August 13, 2009
at 10:31 PM

Hey ppl.. haha.. My sis just bought this osim isqueez warm thingy.. haha.. sedap giler to the max.. haha.. i can tdo you know.. haha.. yeah.. i have finally changed my phone.. but i dun really like it so i am going to change it again.. haha.. yeah yeah.. ahaha.. today school was ok.. that bitch did it again.. read read.. no life is it.. only those can understand.. you knw who you are.. haha.. nvm bout tat.. kay.. woo.. i am reuniting with Ithnin.. haha.. daa lama tak bual ngan dier.. haha.. kk.. gtg now.. nak tdo siang.. haha.. tomorrow got NCC.. dead.. haha. .kay nitez ppl..



Tuesday, August 11, 2009
at 9:43 PM

HEY-YO people!!!.. haha.. Im back with posting.. being very lazy lately.. haha.. cuz i need to catch up with my studies.. haha.. kay.. Im fasting today cuz i need to pay back.. a total of 7 Days.. haha.. When i fast.. Need to be an angel.. no vulgar, no nothing bad.. haha.. YEAH.. Mr Teo never come again.. haha.. so during maths did some worksheets.. when is he coming back??.. Maths common test next week and i need REVISION!!!.. haha.. kay.. class was ok today.. haha.. WELCOME BACK NUR ADILAH BTE ABDUL MALIK!!! HOPE YOU WONT SPREAD THE DISEASE TO THE CLASS!!!.. HAHA.. just kidding girl.. haha.. kay.. Tomorrow having sar21 trainfire.. will be going out from class at 1250!!.. yeah yeah... haha.. Something just happen just now which make me panic for awhile.. kay.. will be posting again tomorrow bout the trainfire thingy.. haha.. nothing much today.. haha.. NITEZ ppl!!!..



Friday, August 7, 2009
at 9:19 PM

Dear Erra and Me
Me and Gerald CHEESEBURGER Atika and ERRA

Gerald, Edmund and Erra Aidil and Me

Edmund and Me.. Extra Emily behind Erra and Me again

3N2 class tee shirt back view Class Of 3N2 2009

Clockwise.. Stanley,Edwin,Me and Erra Girls of 3N2

The 5 of us United as ONE 2=Erra..10=ShiMin..12=ME..13=Emily..15=Daph

Me front view Me back view

Morning Breakfast with Edmund and Gerald
Today is the NDP Parade of Pei Hwa and Games Day..
It is great FUN!!!..
Hey People.. haha.. had some Games day today.. haha.. me and frens had so much fun.. haha.. I participated in shot putt and 4 times 100 relay.. haha.. now.. my legs are aching.. haha.. Im feeling so tired.. haha.. kay so morning met Edmund and Gerald at Rivervale Plaza for breakfast.. haha.. then took taxi and head for Yio Chu Kang Stadium.. haha.. was wearing the class tee btw.. nice nice nice.. such a pity adilah cannot come.. miss you soo much girl.. haha.. kay back to the topic.. kesian pppp sorang sorang.. haha.. dier tak ader org nak bual2 ngan dier.. haha.. the games were great even though we did not win.. at least we had fun rite.. haha.. then after the event.. Me, Erra, Edmund, Gerald, Aidil, Atika, Farhana, Luq and Amallina headed to Lido Shaw House to catch a movie.. haha.. plan to watch THE ORPHAN.. then NC16 ar.. sakit hati sekejap.. hahaha.. then last2 tgok cerite UP.. haha...the sho wis quite funny and cute.. haha.. awww.. kept on laughing and laughing.. haha.. fun ar.. haha.. then after the movie.. we headed home.. haha.. Edmund since morning keep on doing stupid stuff.. haha.. and others too.. haha.. lol.. kay thats all for tonight.. wanto sleep now cuz im EFFIN tired.. haha.. k nitez..
PS: Im Looking Forward For This Sunday!!!



Tuesday, August 4, 2009
at 9:28 PM

Me eating DURIAN
Mine and Edmund Watch
Edmund being gay.. wearing hairclip
Dion helping
Force to take picture
Nak step HOT mane
Kay.. I swear school was great today.. haha.. enjoy it alot.. esp during CME.. cuz we all get to try on different kinds of races food.. mostly are Indians cuzz Miss Ruva bought most of them. haha.. I swear the Indian food is SUPER DUPER EFFIN SWEET.. haha.. tak boleh angkat.. haha.. can have diabetes you knw.. haha.. then after recess.. in class.. Erra, Dion and Me help our dear dear Edmund Koh style up his hair.. Rambut dier panjang.. haha.. then Dion keep on making spike.. then got one time.. Erra told Dion to make the top part of his hair like the devil horn.. haha.. funny lh.. should take a picture of it.. Sheesh.. haha.. then i offer Dion one of my hairclip to pin up the fringe.. haha.. Then ask the clip supplier,ShiMin for more clips cuz she has a whole box of hairclip.. haha.. The pictures above are some of the pictures taken.. haha.. he keep on moving his head.. then many of the pics blur.. HMMPH!!!!.. haha.. then Dion pegang kepala dier punye lh kuat.. OUCH!.. haha.. kay thats all for today.. Nitez People..
Hydir Idris..

Oh mann.. im so frustrated cuz Catty and Hydir daa kluar from Anugerah today.. FUCKK man.. Kay.. i dun really care bout Catty that much but Hydir should not be voted out.. The last show, Chirul nyanyi punye lh hancur.. Chirul should be voted out.. not Hydir.. Hydir soo small yet has the biggest voice ever.. NVM Hydir.. you can try again in the next Anugerah.. I WILL SUPPORT YOU ALL THE WAY!!!.. HYDIR HYDIR HYDIR!!!.. haha..



The Princess♥